The notion that things just happen is inconceivable for humans, yet new and revolutionary concepts enter our lives on a constant and regular basis, though Moore’s Law allows for the acceleration of ideas as each day passes.
Digital Darwinism is the evolution of Consumer Behavior when society & technology evolve faster than your ability to adapt.
However, we should remember that just because there is more technology in the world today than there ever was doesn’t mean we should forget to teach our children how to be humans and arm them with the tools of humanity.
Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important ingredient – Bill Gates
It is our goal to develop new ideas alongside our children so that they are empowered to achieve greater success. With more powerful tools at their disposal their ability to excel is limitless however its our duty to also ensure they still enjoy the beautiful bounties this world has to offer.